Monday 30 January 2017

Mid-Week Mumbles

This weeks weigh in was a little bit disappointing. I only managed to lose 0.5lbs. However, I'm not going to let it get to me for a few reasons:
- my new medications are all known for adding on a few (or many) extra pounds and making it damn near impossible to lose them again
- my hormones are all over the place, leading to even more weight gain
- I stopped smoking for good. Yes, I was a smoker. A closet one mainly! But I've stopped and that's making me gain weight too.

Giving consideration to the above, I think it's a bit orf a miracle that I'm still able to LOSE 0.5lbs! Now that I know the weight is going to come off very slowly, I can be mentally prepared to accept small losses. It means that my journey is still going in the right direction, albeit at a snail's pace. But I also know that any weight I lose while on all these tablets will be gone forever. The plan works. I must have faith.

I've also decided to start working towards my Body Magic Awards. It's a great concept to get you moving and make exercise an enjoyable habit. You start out small and regular, maintain that momentum for 4 weeks and you've gained your Bronze Award. Then you keep building it up and achieve the next level and so on. So, I'm currently online investigating the easiest workouts I can do quickly to start out small. My joints have reverted to the state they were in before I started working out pre-pregnancy, so I need to be gentle and gain flexibility first. Today, I have my ankle weights on to give myself a bit of resistance while doing mundane tasks. This makes sure that every step counts!

Once I've done a basic work out and become more supple, I'll start the Shadow Boxer workouts again. They're brutal but short and very effective. You do feel a bit of a wally for a start but it soon gets to the point where you see results and don't care. It's a good thing I have curtains, let's leave it at that.

Fingers crossed for a good remainder of the week. I was off plan on Saturday night with the copious amounts of Southern Comfort and Lemonade I sank. I had an incredible night, but proved to myself that I could get back on plan straight away. I consumed no extra food or anything that wasn't on plan. It was honestly just the drinks. I lost count how many I had but they were welcomed and enjoyed. Now it's time to get myself knuckled down again and still get another (tiny) loss at the scales.

Aims for this week:
- Stick to plan
- Increase fluid intake
- Start exercising - it may help my energy levels since I'm shattered today. Totally nothing to do with being in the casino til 6.30 on Sunday morning...
- Maintain housework
- Meal prep to make sure I'm extra good this week.

I can but try.

Good luck in your journey, people. You can do it. Whatever "it" is.


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