Monday 20 November 2017

A New Day Dawns

It's November. It's raining. It's also after 11pm, which really means I should be sleeping or at least attempting to do so. Yet, here I am. My mind is buzzing with new music (thanks, Spotify...), I have been well behaved when it comes down to what I've eaten today, and I'm feeling a lot more focussed on my health. I managed to get my Guided Mind meditations back so I will be listening to them religiously for a while - well at least every 2nd day when I'm not gigging. *note to self: look up a meditation to calm the mind, if it exists*

Lately, I've been struggling with my health and have had blood taken on numerous occasions, which have all said different things. But the lastest one says my blood is fine and there's nothing wrong with me. But the optician would beg to differ. Typical. I could really do with a set of glasses to use for reading and typing because the ones I have at the moment are beyond hopeless and I would love to NOT get eye strain any more. It's painful and unneccessary. I do plan to go back after Christmas (yes, I used the C-word. Sue me.) and see what can be done for my sight so that I'm not having problems. I really want to be able to type more regularly, and get back into reading to help me unwind.

Now, before I get distracted again... This is what I was going to write about: weight loss. I know, usual rubbish from me, blah blah. But I'm focussed. I've dodged a bullet with my blood sugar THIS TIME. What happens if this all starts up again and it really is high, even after a fasting blood test? What if I don't change what I'm eating and doing, and things progress? I don't want to have the same fate as my Mum, who is undoubtedly sitting up there on Gods cloud, sharing a fine piece that she baked and watching me making an absolute mess of my diet. So, bugger it. I'm going to change. Even if it means listening to a meditation every day for the next decade. I WILL DO THIS.

Of course, I realise it's not entirely down to the meditations. They just give me the tools I need to be able to achieve my goals and steer clear of all the chocolate, and biscuits, and donuts, and...gads. Thanks to last nights session, if I think of all these delicacies and feel like I'd really like one, all I need to do is press my thumb and forefinger together and I immediately think it's going to taste like marzipan (my food enemy). Weird but it has certainly made me think twice so far today. But it's early in the game. Let's see how tomorrow unfolds.
